Electric Utility Service Equipment Requirements Committee (EUSERC) was formed in 1983 when the Southern California group PUSERC (formed in 1947) and the Northern California group WUESSC (formed in 1950) merged. At this time there were approximately 40 utilities involved. There are now 80 utilities involved in EUSERC from 14 states. The purpose of the organization is to promote uniform electric service requirements among the member utilities, publish existing utility service requirements for electric service equipment and provide direction for development of future metering technology. EUSERC's goal is to support the development of metering and service equipment that is safe and cost effective to the serving agencies and their customers, and to establish manufacturing and installation requirements for metering and service equipment that are acceptable to all member utilities.
EUSERC develops and promotes safe uniform electric service equipment requirements among member utilities.
EUSERC publishes a revised requirements book (manual) annually. See a EUSERC drawing.
EUSERC provides meter service equipment manufacturers with product feedback.
EUSERC members are employees of electric utilities in the United States of America. The electric utility professionals are usually from the following fields: service planning, inspection, standards, & metering.
EUSERC associate members work for organizations such as U.L. or NEMA.
Please go to the store to purchase a manual (Vendors) or purchase meeting tickets.
*Member Utilities will recieve a manual with membership payment. Please purchase here if you wish to have a manual and are not a utility member.